How Asphalt Driveway Services Will Install Your New Driveway

Posted on: 10 November 2022

A new asphalt driveway is a significant investment, so you want to make sure it's done right. Hiring a professional asphalt driveway contractor is the best way to ensure a high-quality, long-lasting result. But what does the process of installing an asphalt driveway entail?

This blog post takes you through the step-by-step process of asphalt driveway installation, from start to finish. By the end, you'll know what to expect when you hire an asphalt driveway contractor for your next project.

Preparing the Site

The first step in any asphalt driveway installation is preparing the site. This involves clearing away any existing vegetation or debris, grading the area to create a smooth surface, and compacting the soil to prevent settling later on. Once the site is prepared, your contractor will mark out the perimeter of the driveway, and stakes will be placed at regular intervals along its edge.

Laying the Subgrade

The next step is to lay the subgrade, which is the gravel layer that provides asphalt support. Next, your contractor will use a bobcat or other piece of heavy machinery to spread and level the gravel evenly across the entire surface of your future driveway. Once the subgrade has been properly compacted, your contractor will begin installing drainage pipes if necessary.

Installing Asphalt Layers

Once the subgrade has been prepared, your contractor will begin installing the asphalt layers. The first layer is called the subbase, which consists of a coarse aggregate (crushed stone) mixed with hot liquid asphalt. This mixture is then spread across the subgrade using a special machine called a grader before being compacted with a heavy roller Next comes the base layer, which is similar to the sub-base but uses a finer aggregate mix. The base layer is also spread and compacted in much the same way as the sub-base.

Finally, your contractor will install the surface course — the top layer of asphalt that you'll actually be driving on. This layer consists of hot liquid asphalt mixed with smaller aggregate than what's used in previous layers. Once it's been spread and compacted, your new driveway will be ready for use.


Installing an asphalt driveway may feel like a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be. With this step-by-step guide, you now know what goes into creating a high-quality pavement surface that will last for years to come. Now, all that's left to do is find a reputable contractor in your area and get started on your project. For more information, contact asphalt driveway services today.
