3 Maintenance Tips For A Concrete Driveway

Posted on: 22 April 2019

Summer is now over, and Queenslanders can now look forward to more settled weather as the destructive summer storm season has passed. As a homeowner, autumn is a great time to take care of home maintenance tasks before the temperature drops to a point that you don't want to work outside. Concrete driveways are one part of your home which certainly appreciates annual maintenance as it extends their lifestyle while giving your home a desirable curb appeal. As someone who has never given their concrete driveway a second glance, here are three maintenance tips for you.

1. Start With Cleaning 

The fastest way to remove years of moss, mould, algae and dirt from a concrete driveway is with a high-pressure washer. If you do not own one, you can rent these from a hire tool depot. The key to using this machine successfully is patience and a methodical pattern. Attach the machine to a hose, and then starting at the top of your driveway, hose a strip from left to right and then return back to the left by hosing a new path directly below the clean strip you have already made. Hose slowly backwards and forwards until the whole driveway is clean. While you are cleaning the concrete, look out for any spots where the concrete is cracked or missing. Don't aim the hose directly on these parts as the water force will further damage the concrete.

2. Repair Damage

Before moving onto the next step, it is important you repair any damage you find in the concrete. When winter rolls around, moisture seeps into the cracks. As it freezes, the water expands and makes the damage bigger. A concrete contractor can do repairs to any damaged concrete you have. New concrete needs about 28 days to fully cure before it can be sealed, so you want to get the damage repaired as soon as possible.

3. Reseal Driveway

After the concrete is cleaned and any damage has been repaired, you can apply a sealant to the driveway. The sealant can be purchased from your local hardware store, or you can buy it from a concrete supplier. The sealant acts as a top coat to stop the concrete from becoming stained, and also prevents new moss and mould growth. This is important during the winter months as you don't want a family member losing their footing because they slipped on green algae. Concrete sealant dries quickly, and you can park your car on the driveway again 24 hours after it has been applied.

If you need any further advice about the maintenance of your concrete driveway, then give your local concrete supplier a call.
